- Made of soft and breathable cotton fabric
- Stuffed with a soft recron to keep baby warm
- Gives a cozy & warm sleep to the baby
- Gives support to the baby while in sleeping
- Light weight & travel-friendly
- Comes with a blunt finish, so baby does not feel discomfort
- Type - Pillow
- Age - 0-12 Months
- Material - Cotton
- Print - Elephant Print
- Color - Pink
- Size - Small
- Design - Regular
- Stuffing - Cotton
- Cold water and gentle wash is recommended
- Do not use bleach
- Wash dark colors separately
Country of origin: P.G.C
The product information displayed on this website is for your reference only; however, there could be slight variations in the content, dimensions, color, print & feel of the actual product. This is possible as manufacturers do alter the product without giving prior notice, so using your intuition is advised.