Your baby is a nature’s masterpiece that you carry and nurture from deep within for nine months. After child birth, the nature has created a marvelous wonder to carry forward the feeding process in the form of breast feeding. Nursing your newborn child is equally important, as it has numerous health benefits for the mother & the child.
Medical experts, recommend to nurse your baby with breast milk for the first 6 months. As per WHO and UNICEF, even after the introduction of normal foods, it is highly recommended for you to continue breast feeding your baby up-to 2 years and beyond. Initially when it comes to feeding time, let your baby decide & set the pace as per need.
Normal breast feeding session takes around 20 to 45 minutes, a new born baby needs to be fed once every hour, likewise your lactation capacity will adjust & build milk supply as per your baby’s need. However breast feeding your newborn is a choice of your own, but you need to think over & consider the endless benefits that your baby stands to gain. Read along, to know more about the benefits of feeding your newborn baby.
Builds Emotional Connection

Breast feeding your baby helps in building healthy emotional bonding due to regular physical intimacy, touch & eye contact. This is because as you hold your baby next to your skin and make eye contact, it triggers the release of calming hormones, often referred to as ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle chemical’. It is said that the first few weeks of breast feeding is the special period to develop a bonding and a perfect opportunity to build an emotional connection.
Decreases risk of Allergies

Exclusive breastfeeding authenticates the decrease of risk of developing allergies in newborn babies. This is because the breast milk is said to be loaded with antibodies that reduces the risk of contracting viruses & bacteria, which is quite critical during the early development stage. The complex blend of food composition triggers the baby's immune system to produce cells which protect the baby from contracting such allergies.
Makes your baby Smarter

Regular breast feeding process helps in healthy brain development in a baby. Babies who are constantly breast fed for at least six months or more have less hyperactive behavior. It was also observed that mothers with higher levels of IQ tend to pass on the same to the newborn child. However there are whole set of factors that shape a child's development along with intelligence, and the direct causal link between breast feeding with the child's cognitive outcome is yet to be established.
Promotes healthy Food Digestion

Breast milk is safe and easy to digest than artificial supplement formula which could at times cause vomiting & diarrhea if your baby fails to digest it. Breast feeding your child promotes healthy establishment of gut microbiomes which is quite important for developing body’s immunity along with proper deployment of food digestion system.
Reduces trips to Doctors

Breast milk is said to contain vital nutritional components, antioxidants, enzymes, immunity properties along with antibody elements. During regular nursing process, the complex blend of rich breast milk is passed on to the baby from the mother to develop stronger immunity system. A baby with stronger immunity system develops into a healthier person, thus being less prone to less illness & hospitalization.
Supports healthy baby Weight gain

One likely reason for your baby to gain weight is that, breast milk is constantly dynamic. It keeps changing food composition to provide exact nutrition value at every stage. As you breast feed your baby frequently, the breastmilk tends to contain more fat. This will increase the chance for your baby to have access to the calorie-rich & fattier hind milk which mostly forms when the breast is drained more efficiently due to frequent feedings.
Reduces the risk of Breast Cancer

Recent studies have shown that, breast feeding your newborn reduces the risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breast, ovarian & thyroid related cancer later in life. Mostly women in their late 40’s & 50’s tend to show such symptoms. Studies have found that during breast feeding process, the menstrual cycle starts to get delayed due to hormonal changes. This change reduces exposure to hormone like estrogen which is linked to cancer cell growth in a human body.
Summary: All we want to convey is that, breast feeding should be considered by all lactating mothers to provide proportionate nutrition value to the newborn and reduce the risk of heath related issues to the mother & child. Moreover breast milk is said to have the perfect blend of balanced vitamins, protein, and nutrition fats required for a healthy baby growth.
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